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I get things done. My career began in the decidedly action-oriented town of New York City, where I worked for small agencies and gathered plenty of experience designing projects from start to finish. My work there ran the gamut of print: A Chase bank report one day, an album cover the next. I did invitations for non-profits, books for tour guides, and advertising for Chanel. Knowing more about how to reach a variety of audiences, I decided to give myself a variety of experiences and moved to California. There I got to work at an agency whose main client was Intel, and that taught me to push guidelines, promote creativity and still stay within brand standards. From there it was on to North Carolina, in 2001, and here I’ve joined local agencies in developing projects and campaigns for IBM, British Airways, Kodak, Lenovo, and Blue Cross and Blue Shield. I’ve been an art director, but I think I’m better at what I do now. In production design I’ve always enjoyed taking established ideas and translating them into complementary campaign elements. Coming from a family of visual artists, I’ve always appreciated good design, but I also think of myself as a strong conceptual and critical thinker. Everyone has their “thing”; my years of work and experience have clarified for me that mine is grappling with complex deadlines and efficiently knocking things out. Some people love sculpting, or speechmaking, or playing the harp. I like stepping in (often at the eleventh hour) and saving the day.